More Funny things... @_@

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Little Boy

Little Boy: Hello?
Telemarketer: hello, is your mommy home?
Little Boy: No, she's busy.
Telemarketer: oookaaaayy, is your Dad home?
Little Boy: No, he's busy as well.

A little fed up with the kid the telemarketer replies...

Telemarketer: Okay, is there anyone else
Little Boy: yes, a fireman.
Telemarketer: A fireman! can i speak to him?
Little boy: no, he busy too.

completely and totally had it with the child the Telemarketer is fuming at the little boy

Telemarketer: Listen kid, why the heck are your mommy and daddy and the fireman busy?

the little boy pauses and thinks for minute and replies...

Little Boy : Looking for me